IFundWomen Fund Forward 2022 Update

IFundWomen Fund Forward 2022 Pitch Competition

Hi Community,

For those following our journey for the IFundWomen 2022 Fund Forward Awards, SHIFT did not win, (congrats to the amazing company Be Kitchen), but we were still so grateful and honored to be a part of this opportunity! This was our first ever pitch we’ve made to formally seek funding, and we did NOT know much about this world (partially attributed to how the VC world has been historically gate-kept from WOC entrepreneurs!) But, most importantly this process also reaffirmed our goals with SHIFT to revolutionize the way the JDEI world and trainings are done for companies and enterprises - and pushed us to dream even BIGGER.

We strongly believe that workspaces and our communities could be radically inclusive - and we’re not stopping here! Thanks for all that followed us through this process, it wasn’t an easy one for first-time businesswomen - but it was a sweet one.

We recommend checking out IFundWomen resources for grants and funding support to make your dreams a reality. And to all the other femme identifying, women entrepreneurs, and small business owners in this world - we see you and we're rooting for you. As quoted from Adunola Adeshola:

“Please don't let imposter syndrome trick you into thinking you didn't earn the right to go after the opportunities you desire. Everything you've done is proof that you can do more and have more.”

With Love,

Veline, Kausar, Natalie

SHIFT Co-Founders


Striking for Palestine as Small Business Owners


SHIFT is a finalist for the IFundWomen Fund Forward Awards 2022!